MetaEditor HelpToolbarsStandard


The Standard toolbar features the basic commands of the main menu:






Open MQL4/MQL5 Wizard for developing a new program.



Open a selected file: text files are opened for editing in MetaEditor. To open the rest of the files, use the programs installed in the operating system.



Save changes in an active window.

Save All

Save All

Save changes in all open windows.

Print Preview

Print Preview

Check a page before printing (for example, whether all data is to be printed). Settings of a selected printer are used for preview.



Print the code in the current window.



Open/close the Toolbox window.

MQL Navigator

MQL4/MQL5 Navigator

Open/close the Navigator service window.



Cut a selected source code fragment in order to paste it elsewhere.



Copy a selected source code fragment to clipboard.



Paste a copied or cut source code fragment to a specified place.



Open a clipboard. MetaEditor saves up to 30 last entries copied to clipboard. This opens a list of stored entries allowing you to paste a selected one into your code.



Delete a selected source code fragment.



Undo the last action.



Redo the last undone action.



Open the Search window.

Find Next

Find Next

Find the next item for the current search query.

Find Previous

Find Previous

Find the previous item for the current search query.



Open a window to replace the found text.

Find in Files...

Find in Files...

Open a window to search in different files.

Go to Line

Go to Line

Open a window, from which you can jump to the specified line of the source code.

Toggle Bookmark

Toggle Bookmark

Enable/disable a bookmark on the current line depending on its current status. Bookmarks allow marking necessary code lines to quickly move to them.

Next Bookmark

Next Bookmark

Go to next bookmark.

Previous Bookmark

Previous Bookmark

Go to previous bookmark.

Clear All Bookmarks

Clear All Bookmarks

Remove all bookmarks from the current file.

Increase Line Indent

Increase Line Indent

Insert three spaces (tab symbol) at the beginning of the selected lines. To insert spaces in a single line, position the cursor at its beginning. To insert spaces in several lines, select them in full.

Decrease Line Indent

Decrease Line Indent

Remove three spaces (tab symbol) at the beginning of the selected lines. A similar action is performed by the Tab+Shift hot key.

Make Uppercase

Make Uppercase

Change all characters of a selected phrase to uppercase. A similar action is performed by the Ctrl+Shift+U hot key.

Make Lowercase

Make Lowercase

Change all characters of a selected phrase to lowercase. A similar action is performed by the Ctrl+U hot key.

Function Header

Function Header

Insert a workpiece of a comment to a function.

Block Comment

Block Comment

Insert a symbol of a single-line comment.

Comment Lines

Comment Lines

Insert "//" comments at the beginning of each selected line.

Uncomment Lines

Uncomment Lines

Remove "//" comments from the beginning of each selected line.

Name list

Name list

Show the list of possible options of function names for substitution when writing a program code. The variants of names are determined by the first characters typed.

Information on parameters

Information on parameters

Show the current function signature. In other words, it shows the order and types of parameters set in the function, and also highlights the current edited parameter.

Navigate Backward

Navigate Backward

Go to the previous line the cursor was placed on. This is possible only within the currently opened files.

Navigate Forward

Navigate Forward

Return from the previous line to the next one. This is possible only within the currently opened files.

Go to Definition

Go to Definition

Go to a declaration or definition of a selected function or variable.

List of functions

List of functions

Open the list of all functions declared in the current program code.



Compile a code of a program currently opened in an active window.

Cancel Compilation

Cancel Compilation

Cancel compilation. This button is displayed instead of Compile button, while the program is compiled.



Start debugging of the current code.



Pause a program debugging. To continue debugging, click Resume.



Stop debugging.

Start Profiling

Start Profiling

Start profiling the current code.

Stop Profiling

Stop Profiling

Stop profiling.

Step Into

Step Into

Move one step of program execution accessing the called functions.

Step Over

Step Over

Move one step of program execution without accessing the called functions.

Step Out

Step Out

Execute a single step of a program one level higher.

Clear All Breakpoints

Clear All Breakpoints

Clear all breakpoints from the currently debugged program.

Toggle Breakpoint

Toggle Breakpoint

Enable/disable a breakpoint on the current line depending on its current status. Breakpoints are used for debugging programs.



Open the trading platform.



Open MetaEditor options window. It allows you to configure syntax highlighting, font, network operation parameters, etc.

Update from Storage

Update from Storage

Receive the latest data revision from Storage.

Commit to Storage

Commit to Storage

Send the current data changes to Storage.

Add File or Folder

Add File or Folder

Add a local folder or a file to Storage. A folder or a file is added locally. Execute the "Commit to Storage" command to insert the changes to Storage.

Delete File or Folder

Delete File or Folder

Delete a folder or a file from Storage. Deletion is performed locally (a file or a folder is deleted physically). Execute the "Commit to Storage" command to insert the changes to Storage.

Difference of Versions

Difference of Versions

See the current changes in a file compared to the latest revision received from Storage.

Revert Changes

Revert Changes

Revert the changes made in a local copy of a file.

Show Storage Log

Show Storage Log

Show Storage Log.

Create Project

Create Project

Create a project in Storage.

Add Permission

Add Permission

Add permission to access a project.

MQL5 Cloud Protector

MQL5 Cloud Protector

Apply additional protection to the current program using the online MQL5 Cloud Protector service.



Launch the built-in code styler formatting a program source code according to the recommended standard.

New Window

New Window

Open a copy of the current window with the same program text. Numbers 1, 2, etc. indicating the sequence of their creation appear in the headers of an original window and its copies.



Arrange file windows as a cascade.

Tile Windows

Tile Windows

Arrange file windows as a tile.

Tile Horizontally

Tile Horizontally

Arrange file windows horizontally.

Tile Vertically

Tile Vertically

Arrange file windows vertically.



Open MetaEditor context help. When you click it, a question mark appears at the end of the mouse cursor. To view help on a particular MetaEditor element, left-click on it.

About MetaEditor...

About MetaEditor...

Open the About MetaEditor... window, which contains information about the company, its contacts and MetaEditor version.