


1 March 2023

Find out if your customers are happy

Building long-lasting relationships with customers is key to your business success. A long-term, repeat customer should be cherished as one of the best assets of your company. One of the essential business objectives is to build a loyal client base on which the company can rely even in difficult times. Therefore, it is strategically important to track customer behavior in an effort to gauge their satisfaction.

Perhaps the most challenging part of this task is accessing reliable data. How can you measure the satisfaction level? Should you conduct polls or ask for feedback? A more reliable option is available in web analytics: the Retention metric is one of the fundamental tools which is capable of measuring customer satisfaction and business success as a whole.

The Retention report in Finteza Analytics assists in analyzing and improving relationships with your customers. It demonstrates the efficiency of your client retention efforts. The report shows how often a certain group of users repeat certain actions in a site or in an application. In brief, the report answers the following questions: How many customers return after the first visit and how often they return. Utilize this information to improve the efficiency of customer operations, to objectively evaluate marketing results and, ultimately, to build long-lasting relationships with your clients.

How the report works

First, you should define some event according to which a category of users will be formed. It is called a Start Event. For example, you may be interested in users who visited your site on a certain day (when you ran a promotion), came from a certain resource (from a partner site) or executed a certain action (registered or visited the landing page). By using fine settings, you can further break down the audience into more specific groups. The Start Event condition can be set, for example, to an Android user from France who has purchased something via the English site version on Christmas and who has used the accessible site version.

Then select an event to follow — the Tracked Event. You can apply refining conditions and further narrow down the analyzed audience in order to study all online events in detail.

Let us consider a simple example. Suppose you have a food delivery service. On January 1, you ran a promotion in your website, offering a 50% discount on all orders. Now you want to find out if the promotion participants have become your repeat customers or if they were attracted once by low prices.

How it looks like in Finteza:

Retention report in Finteza Analytics

  1. The Start Event period is January 1, 2023.
  2. The Tracked Event period is 30 days.
  3. For report details, we use a breakdown by days.
  4. The Start Event condition includes home page visits.
  5. The Tracked Event condition is Checkout Success.
  6. The results are displayed as a graph and as a table.

Most of the users who visited the site on January 1 (there were 17,600 users) purchased something only during the first four days, while most of the purchases were completed on the promotion day. Most likely, such activity was associated with the New Year holidays rather than the promotion. On the fifth day, the purchase level falls and stays at around 0.2%. Unfortunately, the promotion did not generate the desired result in the long run. Next time, instead of offering discounts, select another audience engagement method to grow a database of returning and loyal customers.

The Retention report solves many important tasks and is useful for almost all members of your team:

  • Marketers can evaluate the prospects of their projects and promotions — whether they are worth supporting or whether it is more reasonable to abandon.
  • UX designers can see how changes in the site work — how audience behavior has changed after they redesigned the interface or functionality.
  • Sales teams can calculate the cost of increasing the customer base — predict audience growth and set it against the associated costs.
  • CEO can use the report to define Product Market Fit, which is one of the key indicators of product success and viability.

Conducting customer Retention analysis is crucial for any business survival and growth. This tool will show you how satisfied customers are with your services and how you can improve your business processes to attract and retain more loyal customers.

Learn more about Finteza

21 February 2023

3 types of algorithmic traders who need a VPS

The VPS service is designed for round-the-clock operation of trading robots and signal subscriptions even when your computer is turned off. A Virtual Private Server (VPS) can be rented directly from the MetaTrader platform. More than 430 thousand people have already used the service.

Our hosting points are located in Frankfurt, London, New York, Hong Kong, Moscow, Amsterdam, Sao Paulo, Chicago and Mumbai

Why do hundreds of thousands of people rent our virtual servers? The reason is straightforward: our hosting service is a more efficient solution than ordinary VPS because it is specifically tailored for traders and meets the needs of different audiences. What are the categories of traders who use the service?

1. Those who need stability

Many users are faced with various household problems, such as computer breakdowns or power outages. It is impossible to predict such issues. After a couple of force majeure situations, people start looking for a reliable solution that guarantees the stable operation of their robots. Trading is always associated with considerable risks, and thus you should try to minimize them by all means.

We work with hosting companies which ensure the highest possible uptime of 99.99%. Therefore, you can be sure that the platform will be reliably connected to the broker's server and that your robots or signal subscriptions will not be interrupted. A stable connection is especially important for copy trading. A signal provider can trade in a different time zone or can execute operations during an inconvenient time frame. With the VPS, subscriptions smoothly operate around the clock, and thus the source time does not matter.

2. Those who care about the execution speed

Execution delays can affect profits generated from trades. Even a delay of just a few milliseconds can be critical, as the price can change during this time. VPS for MetaTrader automatically offers an optimal server, which is located closest to the broker. This minimizes network delays between the trading platform and the trade server, saving valuable price pips. Our hosting points are located in Frankfurt, London, New York, Hong Kong, Moscow, Amsterdam, Sao Paulo, Chicago and Mumbai.

By saving a few pips per trade, you can pay off the virtual server renting cost. The more trades you perform, the faster the cost will be paid off, and further savings will turn into profit.

Execution delays can affect profits generated from trades

3. Those who want to avoid technical details

Nobody likes to get distracted from the main activity, especially if it is connected with money. That is why we have created an easy-to-start solution which does not require any extra effort or special knowledge. Migration to a VPS is a matter of a few seconds. The procedure takes only three mouse clicks for Experts Advisors, indicators, scripts and Signal subscriptions to be transferred to the virtual server. Applications purchased from the Market do not lose activations when launched in our VPS.

There is no need to set up the machine: renting a VPS for MetaTrader is as easy as installing a messenger or subscribing to a signal in the platform. This process does not require any additional administration or network engineering skills. You only need to select a plan, use a suitable payment method and initiate data migration.

You only need to select a plan, use a suitable payment method and initiate data migration

Rent a VPS for MetaTrader and enjoy failure-free operation, along with the lowest possible delays. Protect your algorithms from unforeseen interruptions and ensure better trade execution. In just a few minutes, you can start working in a completely new, more efficient environment which can assist in achieving better results.

Learn more about VPS

17 February 2023

Meros Equity Global Management launches a new asset class for brokers – pre-IPO and IPO investments available on MetaTrader 5

Meros Equity Global Management financial company has announced the launch of a new asset class and liquidity service for brokers - pre-IPO and IPO investments based on the MetaTrader 5 platform. As stated by the company representatives, brokers will be able to receive pre-IPO and IPO liquidity and open access to venture investments for retail traders, which previously was a privilege of accredited and institutional investors in the OTC market. Unique selection of private companies’ shares is already available on the trading platform for brokers using the liquidity service.

Mr. Abduvoris Kalandar, the Founder and CEO of Meros Equity Global Management

Mr. Abduvoris Kalandar, the Founder and CEO of Meros Equity Global Management

Mr. Abduvoris Kalandar, the Founder & CEO of Meros Equity Global Management, commented on the launch: "Private equity is a new trend of the industry. We’ve been witnessing certain stagnation in the evolution of some investment assets. Brokers were using the same approaches and trading solutions as they did 5 or 10 years ago, while customer requests and interests have seriously changed through the years. Their eyes are now focused upon new investment ideas and opportunities. Among the highly-demanded assets are the shares of well-known and successful private companies, such as SpaceX or Revolut, which are impossible to buy on a stock exchange. The only obstacle between mass market and venture investments was low accessibility of these instruments due to high entry thresholds. We’ve developed a smart solution to make these stocks available for all traders in the world, and all within the MetaTrader 5 system our clients are familiar with". As Mr. Kalandar said, the new liquidity asset class is easy to setup and capable of providing additional revenue stream and customer base LTV boost.

In January, Meros Equity Global Management has presented their liquidity provider service to the Forex community on the iFX Expo 2023. "The advantages of pre-IPO and IPO instruments are their investment attractiveness and high potential yield. This is confirmed by our latest deals. The most promising startups, selected by our analytical partners, conduct funding rounds and become public. This is where their capitalization increases significantly and brings our investors massive profit", Mr. Yuri Sizov, Head of B2B Meros Equity Global Management, added. "Being an innovative broker means always following the trends and adding new instruments and asset classes. It’s time to introduce Private Equity instruments to your retail investors".

Meros Equity Global Management is an international financial company that owns investment funds registered in Delaware (USA), Europe and the UAE. The company operates in accordance with the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) of the European Union.

Order MetaTrader 5 for brokers, banks and hedge funds

17 February 2023

How Finteza can make your website more attractive to customers

The first significant online contact between a company and a client usually occurs on the company's website. After seeing an ad, a landing page or a media publication which mentions your company name, a person visits your website to find out more about your company. Studies show that 75% of users make judgments based on the company's website design, while the first impression is formed in less than 3 seconds. Among the site's major credibility measures are usability and performance: your website must precisely meet customer needs, otherwise they will switch to more suitable options.

MetaQuotes' Finteza web analytics is the only system which has native integration with MetaTrader 5. However, Finteza provides much more tools which, in addition to providing unique information about the trading platform, can assist in making your site more attractive and popular among customers.

The following Finteza features can boost your site.

Performance Metrics

Find out how fast your site loads

Find out how fast your site loads. Loading speed is one of the key factors for a successful user experience. In today's fast-paced world, website visitors have high expectations about how fast your website should load. Grabbing the audience's attention is literally a matter of milliseconds. The Performance report will show how quickly your web elements load. Analyze the metrics and adjust your site content, from images to fonts, to scripts and third-party services. Note that such a third-party service which slows down your site performance may be web analytics. In contrast to them, Finteza does not affect your website loading time.

How to use the report: Suppose you register a high bounce rate, more than 70%. Users visit the home page and leave it almost immediately. Do you think your offer is not attractive enough? Often the reason is more straightforward: the content loading speed. The Performance report shows that it takes more than three seconds to load home page images. This is too long. Users think that the site is either down or is not fully operable, and thus you lose the client. Therefore, before offering discounts or promotions, optimize your images — this may generate a much greater effect than you expect. According to Google's 2017 research, the website page content should load as fast as possible.

Marketing Funnels

Check how customers move along the sales funnel

Check how customers move along the sales funnel. Action-based events will show how many customers reach key stages. Data visualization in funnels will assist in spotting possible bottlenecks. Why does one page provide more registrations than the other? For example, poor performance can be related to incorrectly arranged elements. Finteza will show the exact reason.

How to use the report: Suppose you have configured a website sales funnel using events. You expect that the client visits your site, navigates to the purchase page and fills out the registration form, after which you send a confirmation email. From that email, the client navigates to the payment page and pays for the purchase. A sharp drop in the number of users at a certain stage indicates issues in this specific zone.

Example 1. 1000 people visited the site, 800 of them navigated to the purchase page, 700 filled out the registration form, and 650 confirmed it but only 10 people actually paid for the purchase. It is clear that something is wrong with the payment page. Perhaps, the popular payment method is unavailable and thus users cannot pay due to technical reasons.

Example 2. You have 1000 visitors, 800 of whom navigated to the purchase page, 700 filled out the registration form but only 50 users confirmed the purchase. 40 of them successfully completed the purchase. In this case, you should obviously check your confirmation email template. It may have a broken link or can be incorrectly displayed. In this case, by simply revisiting your emails you can boost sales.

A/B Testing

Use tests to validate hypotheses

Use tests to validate hypotheses. Are you planning on improvements? Do you think that a red button will perform better than a green one? Forward some users to a test page with a new design and compare conversions using sales funnels. If your hypothesis is validated, enable the new page and improve conversion rates. If not, run another test without disabling existing web pages. This approach assists in finding optimal solutions through direct interaction with clients.

For example, a UX designer offers a new purchase page design. The changes are radical: rearranged elements, new colors and an updated registration mechanism. Your existing page shows some conversion rates, while the new design can generate worse results. One could conclude that the new page is less efficient. However, lower performance can be caused by different reasons. The launch of the new page could coincide with some other events that affected sales. For example, the payment gateway had some problems due to which purchases could not be completed. Run an A/B test to exclude such factors. The idea of the test is to launch two different pages for the same audience, under the same conditions and at the same time.

For this purpose, the audience is divided into two parts each of which is forwarded to a different page. If the above payment gateway problem occurs during this time, it will immediately affect both audiences. Thus, you will still be able to efficiently compare the performance of the two pages.

Lighthouse Report

Lighthouse Report provides a comprehensive audit of the entire website

This report provides a comprehensive audit of the entire website. Finteza evaluates the usability of the website or separate pages based on the best practices and generates improvement tips. You will receive recommendations on how to improve the site structure, colors, SEO, links and other parameters.

How to use the report: Lighthouse can assist in improving Google search results. The report evaluates all parameters which affect your site's search ranking. By following Lighthouse recommendations, you can make your site more attractive to visitors and improve its protection against vulnerabilities.

Traffic Quality Measurement

Finteza performs a multi-stage comprehensive traffic assessment

Malicious site traffic and bots cause a lot of problems, especially if you purchase traffic from third-party resources. You pay for dummy bots and get distorted conversion statistics. Furthermore, on-site bot behavior can decrease the site's search engine ranking. Finteza performs a multi-stage comprehensive traffic assessment to identify 12 types of bot traffic.

How to use the report: For example, you purchase traffic from three different providers. The overall result is positive — you register an increase in visitors and orders. All traffic resources provide reports demonstrating efficient performance. With Finteza you can additionally evaluate the real efficiency. Check the Quality report for each source, and you may find that only visitors from one source complete purchases. The other two resources provide bots which imitate real person behavior without buying anything. Avoid unnecessary costs by disabling fake traffic and invest these funds into highly performing traffic resources.

Finteza is a comprehensive analytical tool: in addition to providing unique information about the trading platform, it can assist in reducing costs, in increasing conversions and in improving your website performance.

Learn more about Finteza

16 February 2023

MetaQuotes has released a messaging app with financial news and analytical tips for traders

Follow financial news, chat with fellow traders from all over the world, and study technical and fundamental analysis using MQL5 Channels. The application is available on the App Store for Apple devices and on Google Play for Android devices.

MetaQuotes has released a messaging app with financial news and analytical tips for traders

MQL5 Channels' mission is to provide a secure communication platform where traders from all over the world can exchange experiences and collaborate to find optimal solutions. Subscribe to trading news channels and stay up to date with the latest events, or create your own channels and share useful information. Join thematic communities to explore technical and fundamental analysis, to receive daily tips, and to improve your skills. Chat with fellow traders, search for new ideas, share knowledge with beginners and seek advice from experienced market participants.

MQL5 Channels will be useful to anyone interested in trading, especially to MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 users. The messenger provides a great place for financial-related communities, for corporate chats and for collaborative problem-solving. Send images, videos and documents: the reliable messaging system ensures fast delivery even with poor a Internet connection.

If you already have an account, you do not need a separate registration. Use the same credentials to sign into MQL5 Channels.

Download MQL5 Channels:

 App StoreGoogle Play
Download the app for Apple devices
Download the app for Android devicesDownload the app for Huawei devices

6 February 2023

Automations: your assistant for the most burdensome tasks

Businesses have to handle global tasks, such as developing a company strategy, increasing a customer base and improving investment returns, among others. These challenging tasks motivate the team and generate tangible results in the form of business profits. At the same time, there is a huge pool of invisible work which includes tedious routine processes. Such tasks can hardly be referred to as a dream job, but they need to get done to keep a company going. These include sending emails, responding to the same customer requests and implementing monotonous infrastructure maintenance.

The problem is that these boring tasks are just as important as exciting ones. The routine cannot be avoided as it provides the foundation of a stable business. The related processes require 100% efficient implementation of simple and understandable tasks. Unfortunately, the effect is often the opposite: an employee spends more energy on routine tasks, loses concentration, forgets something or mixes things up. As a result, many companies spend a lot of resources on monotonous work and suffer financial losses due to human inefficiency.

Businesses can hire extra staff, introduce fines or offer incentives in an effort to solve the problem. However, usually, such steps increase the company's costs without producing the desired result. They do not eliminate the human factor which means there is the risk of human errors. Furthermore, while one person makes one mistake in an hour, ten people can make ten mistakes within the same time frame.

MetaTrader 5 offers a much more efficient built-in solution which assists companies in avoiding manual work, in reducing error-related costs and in freeing up resources for exciting tasks. This is the Automations service. How it works: you instruct the platform to implement certain actions upon certain events. For example, if a new user registers on the site, the service will send a welcome message. If the client's demo account is running out of funds, the service will create a new account and will send an email with the new credentials. Such scenarios can automate almost any routine task which is now stealing the time and effort of your team.

Automations: your assistant for the most burdensome tasks

Why the Automations service is more efficient than humans:

  1. Reliability. Many routine tasks require an immediate response. A person can miss a notification, put off a task or get distracted. The service forgets nothing. While being constantly at work, it is always focused and ready to respond to any event.
  2. Zero error risks. Unlike a human, a robot will never mix things up. The service will accurately execute configured actions upon relevant conditions.
  3. Scalability. The Automations service can equally efficiently send one email, one thousand or even one hundred thousand. You can automate one process or hundreds without assigning additional employees or spending extra resources.
  4. Resource efficiency. When routine business processes run automatically, your team can focus on more creative tasks which will eventually increase the company's profits.

You can configure the service without requiring special development knowledge. No matter how important the process is, its automation only takes a few minutes, and you instantly receive a reliable, trouble-free system.

The most common automated tasks in MetaTrader 5:

  • Communication with customers
  • Infrastructure performance monitoring
  • Account management
  • Risk management
  • Bonus programs

Use the MetaTrader 5 trading platform with Automations to increase the efficiency and reliability of your business processes. You will get rid of thousands of daily routine operations, eliminate the human factor from your daily activities and avoid losing money due to employee mistakes. The service is provided free of charge for one month. This allows you to try out its features and make sure that the service is beneficial for your company while solving real tasks.

Request MetaTrader 5 for Brokers

23 January 2023

Identify growth opportunities for your business with Finteza

Finteza is the only end-to-end analytics service for brokers which can display data from client terminals and MetaTrader 5 servers. The analytical system provides comprehensive information about all events registered in the trading platform and in your website. Reliable real-time statistics will assist in taking the right company development decisions and in optimizing financial and marketing approaches.

Reliable real-time statistics will assist in taking the right company development decisions

The Finteza service offers a set of powerful, professional analytics tools with which companies can qualitatively improve their online performance across trading platforms, websites, advertising campaigns and landing pages. You will instantly access the most accurate and complete information, from customer search and user retention reports to purchased traffic quality and banner performance analysis.

Customer relations

One of the most attractive Finteza features is the unique Retention report which visualizes the efficiency of your client retention efforts. The report shows how often a selected group of users performs certain actions in a site or in MetaTrader 5. Being a key indicator for any business, the retention rate assists in evaluating the results of marketing promotions or technical changes. With the Retention report, you can timely notice negative and positive changes in user behavior, effectively utilize your advertising budget and generate reasoned forecasts regarding product scalability and payback.

The retention rate is a key indicator for any business

Marketing reports on sources and conversions assist in determining profitable marketing campaigns, banner groups and ads. Try different approaches and determine which landing pages, banners and videos engage your audience most effectively.

Activity in the trading platform

It is the only out-of-the-box solution which integrates natively with MetaTrader 5 to collect information on trading accounts and trader behavior across the trading platform. You do not need to waste resources in developing custom analytics. Configure the Finteza – MetaTrader 5 integration instead, and enjoy ultimate analytical capabilities from the very first minute.

Activity in the trading platform MetaTrader 5

Business vital e-Commerce reports will visualize the real picture of your business. Keep multiple aspects of the sales system under control: study the potential popularity of products, define the actual sales volume, assess the missed profit and evaluate customer loyalty. Analyze the statistics of deposits and withdrawals, along with the history of traders' operations. You will access an interactive user database — a customer list with a complete transaction history. Analyze trader behavior, sources, technical parameters, financial transactions and user actions across terminals, servers and websites.

Multi-level sales funnels will demonstrate at which stages you are losing customers. Analyze your entire sales system by utilizing automatic presets or by configuring custom event chains with any required detail.

Website analytics

Conduct a comprehensive website audit with the Lighthouse report. It helps in making the site faster, in eliminating vulnerabilities and in bringing web pages in line with Google recommendations, thus eventually improving search rankings. You will be able to evaluate your project in many different ways and get advice on how to fix identified issues.

Conduct a comprehensive website audit with the Lighthouse report

Gain insight into your website traffic with end-to-end analytics. Attract only live traders to generate profits. Finteza analyzes visitors' technical parameters and on-page behavior. In-depth reports on 12 bot traffic types will assist in detecting traffic manipulations. Bots can mimic human behavior, such as page views, button clicks and registration forms filing. Finteza will even spot sophisticated bots and indicate the source of such traffic. Detect low-quality traffic providers, optimize marketing budgets and boost your ROI.

Explore detailed statistics for marketing channels, campaigns, ad groups and banners and evaluate the performance of each source. Test hypotheses using the A/B testing engine and optimize costs by disabling inefficient advertising sources. According to our research, the share of brokers' ineffective traffic costs can reach up to 80%. Optimize costs and increase your return on advertising investment (ROAS/ROI).

Test Finteza for free and instantly access fully fledged analytics without trial or demo version limitations.

Try Finteza for free

13 January 2023

Meet MetaQuotes at iFX EXPO Dubai

On January 17 and 18, MetaQuotes' team will participate at the iFX EXPO 2023 in Dubai. For over a decade, this financial exhibition has been bringing together fintech and online trading professionals from Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The organizers expect at least 45,000 attendees to visit iFX EXPO Dubai this year. The attendees will be able to meet the representatives of more than 2,000 fintech companies, banks, liquidity providers and other market participants. Join this networking event to meet leading industry experts and to discuss various topics, from trading platforms and blockchain technology to marketing and legal issues.

Meet MetaQuotes at iFX EXPO Dubai

Our representative will participate in a discussion related to high-tech industry trends and growth drivers in 2023. He will talk about the future customization of our trading platform, about the services which streamline everyday business processes, as well as about unique end-to-end analytics for brokerage companies. But the key topic of our presentations and discussions is the new MetaTrader 5 Web Terminal and its latest innovations. We will also cover the following topics:

  • Features of the newly released MetaTrader 5 Web version for any device and browser
  • Desktop updates, including the improved Market Watch feature and access to current account data
  • Advanced security: two-factor authentication in the trading platform
  • More than a hundred ready-made Automation scripts to streamline everyday processes

Visit iFX EXPO Dubai and meet us in person at booths 119 and 120. We will be happy to answer your questions. See you at the event!


29 November 2022

MetaTrader 5 won the Best Multi-Asset Platform award at Finance Magnates London Summit 2022

MetaTrader 5 was awarded as being the best multi-asset platform during the Finance Magnates London Summit 2022. This year's exhibition marked its tenth anniversary with over 3,500 attendees from fintech companies, blockchain and payment service providers, traders and institutional brokers, as well as 130 speakers and 150 participants.

MetaTrader 5 won the best multi-market platform award at Finance Magnates London Summit 2022

The exhibition was held from 21-23 November and concluded with an awards ceremony at the historic Old Billingsgate building, during which MetaQuotes received the award for the Best Multi-Asset Trading Platform.

"We appreciate the high commendation of MetaTrader 5 results. The development of a modern trading platform is an ongoing process which aims in creating and maintaining the highest standards of excellence throughout the industry. This award confirms that MetaQuotes is working towards the right direction, creating the best possible product for our customers," Renat Fatkhullin, MetaQuotes CEO, commented.

MetaTrader 5 is the universal market instrument for brokers and investors, covering various needs and levels of qualification. The platform supports multiple versions and is available for any operating system and includes desktop and mobile applications. The trading platform is suitable for solving various tasks of every market participant -– brokers, exchanges, novice investors and experienced algorithmic traders.

Request access to MetaTrader 5

16 November 2022 website's updated Quotes section features additional symbol details

The algo-trading community website provides an updated Quotes section with separate information pages for each symbol, giving details of the relevant financial instrument. The details can be accessed by clicking on the symbol line or block in the Market Watch, Currencies, Metals and other subsections. website's updated Quotes section features additional symbol details

Each symbol page provides the following information:

  1. Quotes and daily changes in points and percentage terms. A brief description of the selected symbol is available at the top of the page.
  2. A mini-chart with the timeframe switch option. Hover over the chart to view quotes at a specific point. To enable more on-chart data, maximize it by using the "Full-Screen Chart" button or by clicking anywhere on the chart.
  3. Daily and annual ranges. The daily range additionally shows Low, High, Open and Current prices. The annual range includes the High and Low values, as well as the last-year and current prices.
  4. Current symbol statistics. This block shows the latest market Open, Close, Bid, Ask, Low and High prices, along with volumes.
  5. Symbol retrospective. Daily, monthly, semi-annual and yearly changes are displayed here.
  6. Economic Calendar. The calendar displays upcoming and past events which may affect the symbol quotes.
  7. Signals. A selection of trading signals based on the selected currency pair.

Visit Quotes and evaluate the new features.

14 November 2022

MetaTrader 5 offers more than one hundred ready-made scenarios for Automations

The Automations service saves MetaTrader 5 users from manual routine work, eliminates human error and reduces company resource utilization for higher-value activities. How it works: you set up a specific event in the system and create a script triggered by the event. A user has registered in the platform? Send a welcome email. A data feed has disconnected? Restart it and notify the administrator. The main advantage of Automations is that the service instantly reacts to triggers and executes the necessary actions without errors. Unlike a human, the system always remembers to perform the required actions on time. The service automates thousands of different scenarios saving you from a huge amount of routine work.

MetaTrader 5 offers more than one hundred ready-made scenarios for Automations

We have always strived to make the trading platform highly efficient and user-friendly, for which we are constantly collecting user reviews. Based on customer tickets, we started compiling a list of ready-to-use scenarios to cover the most common situations. Companies asked for ready-made solutions which could be enabled almost instantly. As the Automations popularity grew, we expanded the list of available scenarios. Finally, more than 100 ready-made scenarios have become available in the latest platform update. This means that you can solve hundreds of typical business tasks in just a couple of clicks.

The most common automated tasks in MetaTrader 5:

  • Infrastructure performance monitoring
  • Communication with customers
  • Account management
  • Risk management
  • Bonus programs

In just a few minutes, you can set up a trouble-free system that will save you time and money. You can automate your business processes without requiring special knowledge and without having to develop your own service — MetaTrader 5 provides a ready-made and highly efficient solution. The service is provided free of charge for one month. This allows you to try out its features and make sure that the service is beneficial for your company while solving real tasks.

Request MetaTrader 5 and become a broker

9 November 2022

MetaQuotes to talk about clientele increasing technologies at Finance Magnates London Summit 2022

From November 21 to 23, the MetaQuotes team will participate in the Finance Magnates London Summit 2022, one of the leading fintech and payments conferences. This year's London Summit will bring together more than 3,500 attendees, 130 speakers and 150 exhibitors. Attendees can expect to network, and learn from leading companies and key decision-makers, in multiple industry segments, which are key to the future of the finance sector.

MetaQuotes to talk about clientele increasing technologies at Finance Magnates London Summit 2022

Our representative will make a separate presentation to showcase the latest MetaQuotes technologies, which can assist in increasing brokerage clientele. We will talk about the latest innovations which can have a notable positive impact on the market and on individual businesses.

Key topics for the London Summit:

  • The all-new Web Terminal running on all device types, operating systems and web browsers. One of the major innovations provides a responsive interface for touchscreens and mobile devices.
  • MetaTrader 5 Access Server Hosting — the solution to improve client access to trading facilities while considerably reducing network delays.
  • Finteza end-to-end analytics for brokers — the only out-of-the-box solution for MetaTrader 5 which enables the comprehensive tracking of user activity across the platform.
  • The Automations service with more than 100 ready-to-use scenarios for real-life brokerage tasks alongside ultimate customization features.
  • The latest MetaTrader 5 release with a plethora of new features and improvements.

Visit us at booth 122. We will be happy to meet you in person and answer your questions. See you at the event!

7 November 2022

MetaTrader 5 Web: Mobile trading from any iPhones and Android devices

The new MetaTrader 5 web terminal is available on all Apple and Android devices. Regardless of iPhone versions and browsers, traders can fully manage their trading accounts using a mobile device. Furthermore, there is no need to download a mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

The new MetaTrader 5 web terminal is available on all Apple and Android devices

The new MetaTrader 5 Web provides a fully featured trading terminal from which users can:

  • Work with demo and live accounts
  • Receive any financial symbol quotes
  • Execute trading operations in any financial markets
  • Analyze symbol quotes using more than 30 indicators
  • Use Economic Calendar data for fundamental analysis

All these features are available from any mobile browser. The popular night theme is also supported.

The new MetaTrader 5 Web Terminal has become faster and more efficient. The application has not just been optimized — it has been redeveloped from scratch. The new core has enabled faster response to commands and greater operational stability. The web terminal is safe to use since all transmitted information is securely encrypted.

Launch the new Web Terminal

4 November 2022

MetaTrader 5 wins the Best Multi-Asset and Mobile Trading Platform awards at Forex Expo Dubai 2022

The MetaTrader 5 trading platform won two awards at the Forex Expo Dubai 2022. The expo, which took place on September 19 and 20 in Dubai, is the largest Middle East forum for Forex industry participants. This year the event was attended by over 5,000 traders and over one hundred brokers from three dozen countries. At the official ceremony, MetaTrader 5 received the Best Multi-Asset, as well as the Best Mobile Trading Platform awards.

MetaTrader 5 wins the Best Multi-Asset and Mobile Trading Platform awards at Forex Expo Dubai 2022

"Such recognition and trust are indispensable", says the company's CEO Mr Renat Fatkhullin. "We are constantly striving to set the highest standards for the industry, because this is the only way to become a leader. These awards are a proof that MetaQuotes does not rest on its laurels and is able to consistently offer to its clients and users the best products on the market year after year".

MetaQuotes thanks the organizers of Forex Expo Dubai, who noted the company's contribution to the industry development. The MetaTrader 5 trading platform is a universal solution equally suitable for brokers and investors, independent of their needs and experience. We do our best to take into account the interests of all users by developing several types of platforms: a desktop application, a web version and mobile apps. Our trading platform provides maximum opportunities for every market participant - from brokerage companies and exchanges to professional algorithmic traders and novice investors.

Request access to MetaTrader 5

12 October 2022

New WebTerminal — fast, modern and secure

MetaQuotes has released a completely new web terminal for MetaTrader 5. The web terminal enables trading from any web browser as it works in all operating systems without extra software installations. It is safe to use since all transmitted information is securely encrypted.

MetaQuotes has released a completely new web terminal for MetaTrader 5

The new web terminal has become faster and more efficient while it features an updated interface and a completely redesigned core. The major update enables the web terminal to run on each broker's access server rather than on one common server. It operates as an individual web terminal, which only works with a specific broker's platform. This approach provides maximum security and full control for the broker.

It also features a plethora of new functions which were not available in the previous version:

  • Convenient configuration of symbols in the Market Watch, along with the daily price change data
  • Ability to request real accounts with a detailed registration form and document submission options
  • More analytical objects with extended management options
  • Market entries and exits displayed on charts
  • Economic Calendar events displayed on charts
  • Support for price data subscriptions and the ability to receive delayed quotes
  • Simplified interface:
    • chart context and top menus have been removed
    • all chart commands, objects and indicators are available on the left-hand side and top panels
    • additional commands can be accessed through the hamburger menu
  • The mobile version features a responsive interface for iOS and Android devices
  • Interface dark mode

Companies holding valid web terminal licenses can set up the new version on their servers and start using it without extra fees. Otherwise, a license can be ordered via the technical support site.

Start the new Web Terminal

7 October 2022

Discuss hot topics at Forex Expo

The MetaQuotes team will participate in Forex Expo Dubai 2022 on October 19 and 20. Forex Expo is the largest event in the Middle East where investors and Forex industry leaders are able to network and explore new business opportunities. The speakers will cover a wide variety of topics including the current trends in investment and trading, market regulation issues, foreign currency payment solutions, launching new fintech companies and much more. The organizers expect more than 5,000 traders and over a hundred brokers from three dozen countries to attend the expo.

Discuss hot topics at Forex Expo

The MetaQuotes team will reveal its most significant developments and products:

  • MetaTrader 5 — the latest builds and important news: how updates can help your business grow.
  • Automations service — a powerful built-in trading platform tool eliminating routine operations and saving your resources for business tasks.
  • Mobile web terminal — a versatile trading solution for any device and browser.
  • KYC and client onboarding journey — built-in solutions that make interacting with new customers easier, more efficient and secure.
  • Finteza — end-to-end analytics system.

The expo will be held at the World Trade Center, halls 5, 6 and 7. We invite everyone to visit our Booth #7. We will be happy to answer your questions.

19 September 2022

Traders' Hub: "We have launched MetaTrader 5 to become the investment house of choice"

Traders' Hub, the UAE-regulated and Abu Dhabi-headquartered brokerage, has announced its official company launch. The broker will offer different account types through MetaTrader 5 to match various trading styles and investment goals. Traders' Hub representatives say that they have chosen the full-cycle platform, because in addition to providing outstanding trading functions, it enables investors to utilize technical and fundamental analysis tools to take more informed trading decisions. The company believes that the platform is suitable for both retail and institutional clients due to its compatibility with trading robots, as well as due to its ability to copy other traders' deals and to trade from mobile devices or any web browser.

Mr. Ahmed Al Katheeri , Traders' Hub COO

Mr. Ahmed Al Katheeri , Traders' Hub COO

Mr. Ahmed Al Katheeri, Traders’ Hub COO, has commented on the launch: "We are extremely proud to be launching a new online trading firm in the UAE. Our goal is to become the investment house of choice for the local and MENA regional trading clients and to provide the best trading environment for international expats and businesses in the UAE. To reach this goal, we are using the market-leading, multi-asset MetaTrader 5 trading platform, which has an outstanding reputation and all the advanced trading features required by our clients to reach their trading objectives."

Traders' Hub offers a 360-degree solution to match every retail and institutional trader's needs. "Most importantly, we have built our business around Traders' Hub's strong corporate values and hyper-focused vision to become the market leader throughout the MENA region," Mr. Al Katheeri added. "Therefore, whatever your trading strategy, level of funding and risk strategy, we have a trading account which meets your needs and a multi-lingual client service team which will support you in every step of the way."

Traders’ Hub, the UAE-regulated and Abu Dhabi-headquartered brokerage, provides access to over 1,000 global markets. Traders Hub Currency Brokerage, Sole Proprietorship LLC is licensed by the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) under the 1st Category of Dealing in Securities to offer the spot market OTC derivatives and currency trading.

Order MetaTrader 5 for brokers, banks and hedge funds

13 September 2022

MetaQuotes to present its latest developments at iFX EXPO Asia 2022

On September 14 and 15, MetaQuotes will participate at the iFX EXPO Asia 2022 in Bangkok. For more than ten years, this financial exhibition has been bringing together online trading and financial service professionals from Asia, Australia, Europe and globally.

MetaQuotes to present its latest developments at iFX EXPO Asia 2022

The event will cover the most relevant market discussion topics: Market Technologies and Services, Digital Assets and Blockchain, Payment Solutions, Affiliate Marketing and Regulatory Organizations. iFX EXPO Asia is an excellent platform for brokers who wish to explore existing market services, to meet new partners or to expand their offerings.

MetaQuotes representatives will showcase the latest developments and will demonstrate how our advanced technological solutions assist companies in solving the most challenging business tasks.

Topics to be covered:

  • Upcoming new WebTerminal for MetaTrader 5 with a brand new interface providing the best trading experience for both beginners and experienced traders.
  • End-to-end analytics for Finteza brokers: companies can track all trader actions across the MetaTrader 5 trading platforms.
  • MetaTrader 5 Access Server Hosting: the solution improves client access to trading facilities while considerably reducing network delays.
  • Sponsored Virtual Hosting for MetaTrader 5: an additional opportunity to increase brokerage clientele and trading volumes.
  • Updated Automations functionality: the service handles routine tasks while reducing human errors and financial costs.

The event will be held at the Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld. Visit us at booth #1: we will be happy to meet you in person and to answer your questions.

31 August 2022

CFI Financial Group: "Investing in your team is investing in the future"

More and more brokers opt for MetaQuotes certification for their employees to maintain their team's knowledge level, test applicants for promotion, and build trust with their business partners. Mr. Ali Chehade, Global Head of IT and ITS at CFI Financial Group, has shared his experience in obtaining the certification and has explained why he recommends other brokerage companies to join the certification program.

CFI's Top Management believes that education plays an important role in raising employees' productivity and in promoting business growth. The company states that its mission is to provide the widest possible range of high-quality products and trading services. In line with this mission, Mr. Ali Chehade and Mr. Marwan Dalati, Global IT Manager, decided to take advantage of the opportunity to pass the MetaQuotes certification as soon as they learned about it via the website.

Mr. Marwan Dalati, Group IT Manager, and Mr. Ali Chehade, Global Head of IT and ITS at CFI Financial Group

Mr. Ali Chehade, Global Head of IT and ITS, and Mr. Marwan Dalati, Group IT Manager at CFI Financial Group

Mr. Chehade and Mr. Dalati are responsible for the platform performance at CFI, including the administration of the trading system infrastructure. Certification was quite a challenge, which allowed them to build confidence in their abilities and expand their understanding. However, the main objective of passing the certification was to improve their platform knowledge and skills, as this eventually improves customer experience.

Mr. Ali Chehade commented on the certification: "CFI is constantly investing in the team's skills and knowledge. This is an investment in our company's future. We have always been accentuating platform running skills, which has turned out to be the right strategy. The next step is to encourage the rest of the team to pass the tests and to receive MetaQuotes certificates."

While preparing for the tests, Mr. Chehade and Mr. Dalati studied the relevant materials available on MetaQuotes' support center website. Thanks to their extensive platform operating experience, it was considerably easy to learn the material and pass the online tests. According to Mr. Chehade, the certificates have become an added value to the entire team. Furthermore, management at CFI believes that investing in employees' development and their professional growth has a positive effect on the company as a whole.

"We advise all brokers' employees who handle trading operations to get certified," Mr. Ali Chehade added while concluding that "This will improve your platform knowledge and will eventually enhance the trading experience for your customers."

Take the online test for free

12 July 2022

PMEX extended its trading time to 22 hours thanks to MetaTrader 5

MetaTrader 5 has enabled Pakistan Mercantile Exchange to extend its trading operations time by one hour and clients can now trade 22 hours per day. This has been made possible mainly through the platform's built-in automation functions, which include clearing and settlement procedures. The exchange representatives are of the view that the extension of the trading time has streamlined the business growth as PMEX is now attracting more investors and corporate clients from all over the country. The exchange plans to further utilize the trading platform capabilities in an effort to provide seamless trading experience to its customers, leading to 23 hours of trading operations.

Mr. Ejaz Ali Shah, Managing Director of PMEX

Mr. Ejaz Ali Shah, Managing Director of PMEX

Mr. Ejaz Ali Shah, Managing Director of PMEX, commented on the extension: "The collaboration of PMEX and MetaQuotes in establishing the complete Exchange Suite has benefited both organizations tremendously. PMEX clients enjoy state-of-the-art diversified services, while MetaQuotes can boast the complete service offering, including front-end and exchange operations. We are also collaborating with MetaQuotes on some new initiatives, which will enable efficient physical trade management and settlements. These initiatives include Electronic Warehouse Receipts (EWRs), physical gold and government debt trading."

As stated earlier, the new trading platform assisted in streamlining end-of-day (EOD)procedures thereby reducing the time required for EOD from 3 hours to a couple of minutes. PMEX completely switched to MetaTrader 5 from its own core in early 2021. For a year and a half, the exchange has been accurately managing all operations through MetaTrader 5, while PMEX traders, brokers, and market makers have been working only via our platform. The MetaTrader 5-based operation of the whole PMEX exchange is implemented through the platform's built-in Electronic Communication Network (ECN) functionality. The integration helped PMEX in achieving three major goals: replacing outdated trading facilities with an advanced and reliable system, completely automating all exchange trading processes, and reducing operational costs.

Pakistan Mercantile Exchange Limited (PMEX) is the country's first and only demutualized commodity futures exchange, licensed and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). Based on sophisticated multi-dimensional infrastructure and state-of-the-art technology, PMEX offers a complete suite of services, including trading, clearing, and settlement managed via MetaTrader 5. As far as back-office and custody are concerned, both are handled by using MetaTrader 5 API’s.

Request a presentation of the MetaTrader 5 exchange platform
