PWE Capital launches European regulated fund after generating 124% cumulative returns

The MetaTrader 5 technology stack for hedge funds has enabled the Australian company to open a new European fund which is now ready for investors

25 May 2022

The MetaTrader 5 technology stack for hedge funds has enabled the Australian company to open a new European fund which is now ready for investors.

In September 2021, Parker Winston Eckhardt, an Australian fintech company, announced the move to the MetaTrader 5 platform for hedge funds, which fully meets their high algorithmic trading requirements. PWE Capital develops trading algorithms combined with a Direct-To-Bank trading environment to facilitate high-frequency trading in the currency, commodities, and derivatives markets. Over the past few months of testing the real-life efficacy of their algorithms, PWE Capital has generated phenomenal results and a pool of statistical data to reinforce previous trading simulations.

PWE Capital launches European regulated fund after generating 124% cumulative returns

Mr. Manas D. Kumaar, Group CEO of PWE Capital, commented on the fund results: "From September 2021 to the end of February 2022, we set up and ran an experimental house fund that generated 124% of cumulative returns, with a Sharpe ratio of 9.87, a win ratio of 77%, and an average drawdown of only 4.3%. Returns ranged from 8% in November to 60% in January, with an average monthly return of 21%. In comparison, S&P 500 closed at -5.26% in January and at -3.14% in February, while PWE Capital returned 60% and 11% each month, respectively. Our outperformance highlights the growing importance of diversifying through currency strategies."

Talking about the advantages of MetaTrader 5 for hedge funds, Mr. Manas D. Kumaar mentioned system flexibility and transparency, the speed of the MQL5 programming language, and the enhanced capabilities for the onboarding of client assets at scale. The MetaTrader 5 interface has provided the company with a suitable infrastructure to perform high-frequency trades with consistent precision. Furthermore, through MetaTrader 5 for hedge funds, PWE Capital has obtained a smooth, well-maintained, and intuitive gateway for tapping into global markets while streamlining middle-office and back-office administration tasks. Through the highly efficient order flow control, from desktop to exchange, the platform assists the company in maintaining transparency and in conducting near-time trade analysis.

"For many decades, the fund management sector has been known for its notorious opaqueness. MetaTrader 5 has allowed us to pave a transparent trail to markets, achieve a better vantage point, and level the playing field," explained Mr. Kumaar. "As someone in the investment decision-making business, I think it is essential to invest in the right technology stack. MetaTrader 5 certainly fits our stack for multiple reasons, not least of which is for fund accounting."

Commenting on the ecosystem around the platform, PWE Capital representatives praised the as an excellent resource for up-and-coming algorithmic trading professionals. More than 7 million traders and developers already engage in MQL5 programming. They sell their trading robots via the MQL5 Market and perform development orders. For example, 1,200 developers have already become members of the MQL5 Freelance service.

"It is encouraging to see many young developers dip their toes into quantitative trading by experimenting with MQL5 and gaining insights from the community of like-minded individuals," added Mr. Manas D. Kumaar. "No doubt, many of them will someday be applying for jobs at funds such as PWE Capital."

PWE Capital has also announced the launch of a regulated European fund, which is now ready for professional investors. More information about the fund can be requested through the company's website. For the European fund, PWE intends to utilize the full benefits of the MetaTrader 5 platform, which is the company's preferred route to market.

Request access to MetaTrader 5 for hedge funds