


26 janvier 2016

MetaQuotes Software montrera ses derniers développements et services au salon iFX EXPO Asia 2016

Notre société fera la démonstration de ses dernières solutions technologiques et de ses derniers développements au salon majeur international iFX EXPO Asia 2016 qui se tiendra du 26 au 28 janvier au Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.

MetaQuotes Software montrera ses derniers développements et services au salon iFX EXPO Asia 2016

Sur le salon, nous présenterons nos derniers développements — la plateforme web MetaTrader 4 qui permet le trading des marchés financiers via n'importe quel navigateur Internet. Les dernières améliorations des plateformes de trading MetaTrader 4/5 et les applications mobiles MetaTrader 4/5 pour iOS et Android mises à jour seront présentées entièrement. Nous montrerons également tous les nouveaux développements des services populaires pour les traders :

  • Les signaux de trading vous permettent de copier automatiquement les positions de traders expérimentés,
  • Le MetaTrader Market — la plus grande boutique en ligne de robots de trading et d'indicateurs techniques contient plus de 6.600 applications pour MetaTrader 4 et 5,
  • L'hébergement virtuel intégré dans les deux plateformes permet aux robots de trading et aux signaux de fonctionner 24 heures sur 24 avec des délais minimums dans l'exécution des transactions.

Nous vous invitons à visiter notre stand #31. C'est l'opportunité d'essayer nos derniers développements et de répondre à toutes vos questions. Venez nous voir!

26-28 janvier 2016
Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre


25 décembre 2015

Bonne Année 2016!

Chers amis ! Nous vous souhaitons une Bonne Année et un Joyeux Noel ! Qu'elle vous apporte le succès, une bonne santé et une puissance infinie pour de nouvelles réalisations. Que l'année qui vient vous apporte la joie, la chance et la prospérité à vous et à ceux que vous aimer !

Bonne Année 2016 !

L'année 2015 était très spéciale pour MetaQuotes puisque nous avons célébré notre 15ème anniversaire. Nous avons atteint tous nos objectifs et réalisé tous les projets que nous avions planifié cette année.

La société se développe rapidement et étend sa présence au niveau mondial. En 2015, MetaQuotes Software a ouvert trois nouveaux bureaux - au Pakistan, en Thailande et au Japon. Nous avons désormais douze bureaux à travers le monde ! Cette année, MetaTrader 5 a été lanché sur les bourses de Borsa Istanbul (BIST), Moscow Exchange Equity and Bond Market, Brazilian Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM&F Bovespa), Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange (DGCX), Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), South African Futures Exchange (SAFEX), et le Pakistan Mercantile Exchange (PMEX). La plateforme de trading MetaTrader 4 est traduite en 39 langues, et MetaTrader 5 en 30 langues.

Nous avons également fait une percée dans le web trading. En septembre, la société a publié la plateforme MetaTrader 4 Web permettant à tout le monde de trader le Forex via n'importe quel navigateur Intenet. Ce lancement a suscité un grand intérêt. Aujourd'hui, plus de 160 courtiers autour du monde offre déjà le web trading à leurs clients.

La gamme de robots de trading et d'indicateurs techniques disponibles sur le Market est étendue continuellement — plus de 7.000 applications gratuites et payantes sont déjà disponibles en téléchargement. Il est désormais possible d'acheter mais également de louer des robots de trading. Les plateformes MetaTrader pour iOS et pour Android sont optimisées à chaque version. est désormais disponible en japonais et en allemand. Plus de 30 tutoriels vidéos pour les traders ont été publiés et la couverture du réseau de serveurs d'hébergement virtuel a été étendue.

Chaque année nous devenons plus proches de nos clients et utilisateurs, peu importe où ils sont. Nous développons et améliorons nos produits et services constamment pour vous et nous n'avons pas l'intention de nous arrêter ! Nous comptons sur votre aide ! De nombreux évènements excitants sont encore à venir. Bonne Année et Joyeux Noel, chers amis !

24 décembre 2015

La version allemande de la est lancée

Les traders et les développeurs d'Expert Advisors parlant l'allemand forment un noyau dur de la, et l'Allemagne est l'un des six pays dont les habitants visitent le plus le site Internet. Nous avons lancé le site allemand à l'adresse pour parler la même langue que nos visiteurs et toucher une nouvelle audience. Le site internet est désormais disponible en sept langues.

La version allemande de la est lancée

Des dizaines de milliers d'utilisateurs allemands visitent pour trouver des informations, lire des articles sur le trading algorihmique, acheter des robots de trading sur le Market et s'abonner aux signaux de trading. Nous attendons encore plus d'utilisateurs parlant l'allemand à visiter le nouveau site Internet localisé. C'est un objectif atteignable car le contenu unique du site Internet et la source la plus large de services des plateformes MetaTrader attirent des trader du monde entier. La fournit :

L'interface du site Internet est disponible en allemand, et une équipe professionnelle de traducteurs préparent du matériel des sections Articles et Code Base. Plus de versions localisées seront lancées en 2016. Donc surveillez la !

3 décembre 2015

Le septième moyen de paiement dans MetaTrader — ePayments

Les plateformes de trading MetaTrader 4 et MetaTrader 5 acceptent désormais le système ePayments. Ce système de paiement électronique fournit un porte-monnaie pratique et sécurisé pour les professionels en ligne. Le système ePayments fait maintenant partie avec les cartes bancaires Visa, Mastercard et UnionPay, des systèmes de paiement de la, PayPal, WebMoney et Neteller pour devenir la septième méthode de paiement des plateformes. Les utilisateurs de ePayment de plus de cent pays peuvent maintenant payer l'hébergement virtuel, les robots de trading, les indicateurs et les abonnements aux signaux directement à partir de la plateforme en utilisant leur moyen de paiement préféré.

Le paiement via ePayments est très facile. Sélectionnez le service directement sur MetaTrader 4 ou MetaTrader 5 et spécifiez votre porte-monnaie ePayments dans la liste des moyens de paiement disponibles. Vous devez simplement entre votre login et confirmer votre paiement :

Le septième moyen de paiement dans MetaTrader — ePayments

Choisissez votre moyen de paiement préféré et réglez les services directement à partir de MetaTrader 4 et MetaTrader 5. Tous les moyens de paiements habituels sont disponibles dans votre plateforme de trading!

27 novembre 2015

MetaQuotes Software Corp. a 15 ans!

Aujourd'hui, MetaQuotes Software Corp. a 15 ans — 15 ans d'évolution, de leadership et d'innovations technologiques.

Les plateformes de trading MetaTrader 4 et MetaTrader 5 développées par la société sont devenues des standards dans l'industrie et populaires parmi les millions de traders autour du monde. En 15 ans, des milliers de builds publiés, des millions de lignes de code, et une amélioration continue des services et des produits. Les plateformes MetaTrader ont parcouru du chemin, évoluant d'un outil pour le trading à un éco-système complet offrant une variété de services, tels qu'une boutique d'applications de trading, le trading social, un hébergement virtuel intégré, un service freelance et bien plus.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. a 15 ans !

La société grandit encore plus, renforçant sa présence dans le monde entier. En 2015, MetaQuotes Software a ouvert des bureaux au Japon, en Thailande, et au Pakistan, montant ainsi le nombre total de nos bureaux à 12 ! Cette année, MetaTrader 5 a été lancé sur les places boursières Borsa Istanbul (BIST), Brazilian Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM&F Bovespa), Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange (DGCX), Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), South African Futures Exchange (SAFEX), et Pakistan Mercantile Exchange (PMEX).

Cette année a également été un year has also seen a percée dans le web trading. La société a lancé la plateforme web MetaTrader 4 permettant à tout le monde de trader via les navigateurs Internet. Cet évènement a suscité un grand intérêt parmi les courtiers — plus de 100 sociétés ont commandé la plateforme web et ont commencé à l'offrir à leurs traders dès le premier mois après sa sortie.

La gamme de robots de trading et d'indicateurs techniques disponibles dans le Market a été considérablement élargie — plus de 6.800 applications différentes sont disponibles en téléchargement. Il est maintenant possible non seulement d'acheter mais également de louer des robots de trading. Les plateformes MetaTrader pour iOS et pour Android sont développpées activement également. Enfin, la version japonaise du site Internet a été lancée et plus de 30 tutoriels vidéos pour les traders ont été publiés.

Nous continuerons à améliorer nos produits et sommes désireux de vous remercier encore pour votre choix et votre support depuis toutes ces années. 15 ans n'est pas une période particulièrement longue pour une puissante compagnie, ce qui signifie que de nombreuses choses excitantes sont encore à venir !

6 novembre 2015

2015 Finance Magnates London Summit Awards: MetaTrader Trading Platforms Awarded with the Best Trading Platform and Best Mobile Product

The MetaTrader trading platforms have been awarded in two categories at the Finance Magnates Awards 2015. The MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading platforms have become winners in the Best Trading Platform category, while MetaTrader iOS and Android have been named the Best Mobile Products.

2015 Finance Magnates London Summit Awards: MetaTrader Trading Platforms Awarded with the Best Trading Platform and Best Mobile Product

The award ceremony was a final accord of the 2015 Finance Magnates Summit and took place in London on November 3. The event brought together over 1 500 financial industry specialists and executives from almost 500 companies representing Forex, binary options and financial technologies.

Marzena Xanthou, MetaQuotes Representative

Marzena Xanthou, MetaQuotes Representative

Finance Magnates Awards (formerly Forex Magnates Awards) event is held for the fourth time already. A winner in each category is determined by an independent two-stages vote. First, participants form a short list of five contenders in each category, and a contender having most votes within the short list is then declared a winner. Thus, the MetaTrader platforms have bested their competitors in the Best Trading Platform and Best Mobile Product categories.

We are pleased that our products are gaining more and more recognition and receive international awards. We will continue to improve our applications providing traders with the most advanced trading technology.

4 novembre 2015

MetaTrader 5 Android Build 1172: Convenient Chart Zoom and Accrued Interest in the Bond Properties

The new version of the MetaTrader 5 Android is already available for download on Google Play.

MetaTrader 5 Android Build 1172: Convenient Chart Zoom and Accrued Interest in the Bond Properties

What's new:

  1. Improved symbol chart zoom: increased the amount of zoom steps and enhanced display smoothness.
  2. All changes in the set of symbols and their sequence in the Market Watch and chart settings (scale, color scheme, object and indicator lists) are saved after closing the application in any way.
  3. Added a face value and accrued interest in bond properties.

Update your application and try its new features!

4 novembre 2015

MetaTrader 5 launched live on SAFEX by South African broker 28E Capital

One of the leading South African brokers 28E Capital has officially launched MetaTrader 5 in the South Africa Futures Exchange (SAFEX). This has been made possible through the active participation of the official MetaQuotes' South African Agent Derivative System Technologies.

28E Capital clients are offered to trade ALSI (JSE Top 40 Index Future) and ALMI (JSE Top 40 Mini Index Future) using the rich functionality of the most popular trading platform. You can download a demo of the MetaTrader 5 platform directly from 28E Capital's website at

MetaTrader 5 launched live on SAFEX by South African broker 28E Capital

28E Capital is a full service member broker of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), as well as a SAFEX. As full members of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange 28E Capital offer trading in all of the listed shares on the JSE and in all derivatives available on the South African Futures Exchange i.e. Single stock futures, Agricultural futures, Currency futures, Financial index futures, commodities and options.

"We are delighted to offer an additional option to our clients in the form of MetaTrader 5," said Hugo Gous, Director of 28E Capital. "This will allow our client to develop, test and trade algorithmic trading strategies on Safex. We are very excited about this new opportunity."

"We are very pleased to have 28E Capital on board as the first South African broker to use the dedicated MetaTrader 5 Gateway we developed for SAFEX," says André van der Walt, the CEO of Derivatives System Technologies. "This is a very exciting time, as for the first time in South Africa, traders have the capability to develop trading robots for their ALSI trading strategies and take them live through a real account!"

3 novembre 2015

FX News EDGE by Jarratt Davis Available on MetaTrader Platforms

Professional market analysis by Jarratt Davis is now featured straight in MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. The news feed from the famous British trader has been integrated into MetaQuotes' trading platforms.

FX News EDGE is owned by Jarratt Davis, whose success is based on his ability to build trading strategies around a thorough fundamental analysis. Jarratt Davis was ranked the second best performing Forex trader in the world by the Barclay Hedge currency traders index between 2008-2013.

FX News EDGE by Jarratt Davis Available on MetaTrader Platforms

Jarratt's unique analytical experience is the basis of the FX News Edge policy. In addition to being the service owner, Jarratt has a team of professional analysts working on unique research and content for the feed, carefully selecting topics to be broadcast to the all of the subscribers.

Every morning, FX News EDGE readers receive a comprehensive overview of the coming high impact financial events and their interpretation by Jarratt and his team. In addition, Jarratt adds weekly video presentations that take readers through the economic calendar for the coming week.

"The cooperation with MetaQuotes is a great event for our business. Millions of MetaTrader platform users can now subscribe to the news and analysis from FX News EDGE," - says Jarratt Davis. "We believe that our news feed is one of the best news services available to retail traders. In turn, MetaQuotes is one of the industry leaders, and I am very glad to cooperate with this company."

News articles from FX News EDGE are grouped into five categories: "Bank order levels", "Economic indicators", "Central banks", "Risk events" and "Sentiment". The size of news items ranges from brief informative reports to copyright analytical articles, which describe the full picture of the global market.

Do you want to receive exclusive financial news from FX News EDGE straight in your platform? Contact your Broker now!

2 novembre 2015

Payments in the MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 Trading Platforms Using China UnionPay

The MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading platforms now support China UnionPay system. Clients of this system can make purchases in the Market, pay for virtual hosting, order exclusive trading robots and subscribe to trading signals. Being one of the largest payment networks by value of transactions processed, China UnionPay has become the sixth payment method available in the MetaTrader platforms.

The payment process for services via UnionPay is really simple. Select a necessary service directly in MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5 and select UnionPay from the list of the available payment methods. The price will be automatically converted into yuans at the current rate. Next, you will be provided with the list of 20 Chinese banks included in the payment system. Select your bank and convenient confirmation method:

UnionPay users from 141 countries can now pay for services directly in MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading platforms. Take this opportunity right now and unleash the potential of your platform!

23 octobre 2015

Pay for Virtual Hosting and Signal Subscriptions Straight from the MetaTrader 5 Platform!

Payment for virtual hosting and trading signal subscriptions can now be done directly from the MetaTrader 5 Platform. You can pay from your bank card or via one of the payment systems: WebMoney, Paypal, Neteller and Netbanx. No transaction fee is charged, and all financial operations are carried out using a secure connection over SSL.

The payment process is very simple. Open the virtual hosting wizard, select a server, choose a service plan and select a payment method. Authorize and confirm the transaction in the payment system wizard to complete the payment process and start using a virtual platform. 

Straight from the platform, you can subscribe to a paid signal in just a few clicks. Select a suitable provider and choose a preferred payment method.

In the payment system wizard, authorize and confirm money transfer. Congratulations, you have just subscribed to a signal straight from your platform. It's so easy now!

20 octobre 2015

MetaQuotes Software Corp. Opens Its Representative Office in Japan

MetaQuotes Software Corp. announces the opening of a new representative office — MetaQuotes Japan in Tokyo. This is the twelfth representative office of the company in the world.

Now, MetaQuotes Software is represented by four offices in the Asia-Pacific region located in Australia, Singapore, Thailand and Japan. The company believes that this new office will reinforce its positions on the local market. The company's potential clients are Japanese banks and brokers.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. Opens Its Representative Office in Japan

MetaQuotes Japan will perform sales and technical support for all products of MetaQuotes Software including MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading platforms, as well as TeamWox enterprise management system. Considering the growing interest to MetaQuotes Software products in the region, establishing the new representative office is an important step for becoming even closer to clients. The efforts of MetaQuotes Japan will be aimed at strengthening the company's representation in this region and expanding the geography of sales. 

"I am happy to join MetaQuotes Software team," - says Tadao Mitsumoto, Head of MetaQuotes Japan. "Our main task at the moment is to promote the MetaTrader Technology among local brokers and traders. It is much easier to achieve this now since the distance and language barriers are finally lifted".

"Expanding our representative offices is an important element of the MetaQuotes Software global strategy," - adds Gaies Chreis, COO of the company. "We are pleased that Tadao Mitsumoto will represent our interests in Japan. This will invigorate our activity in the region and allow us to reach new clients".

5 octobre 2015

MetaTrader 5 Launched on Borsa Istanbul (BIST)

The official ceremony marking the MetaTrader 5 integration with the Middle East's largest exchange Borsa Istanbul (BIST) is taking place today in Istanbul. During the event, one of the key Turkish brokers Noor Capital Markets has sent a request for the first futures contract via the MetaTrader 5 trading platform. This means that traders working with BIST financial instruments are now able to use the powerful platform with loads of built-in services. 

The ceremony is attended by key industry players - CEOs, IT directors and top managers of 60 brokerage companies from Turkey and other Middle Eastern countries. Such interest stems from the trading platform features which significantly expand the portfolio of services offered by brokers. MetaTrader 5 provides traders with the widest range of tools for trading (both conventional and algorithmic one) and technical analysis.

MetaTrader 5 Launched on Borsa Istanbul

"We target to provide our investors the opportunity to do the Forex and the VIOP transactions 7 times faster by providing them MetaTrader 5 also in the Gulf Area where we are established. With the cooperation of MetaQuotes who developed MetaTrader and the Turkish office, we will be moving on transferring our innovative act through the investment market technologically both in Turkey and the Gulf Area", says Jihad Shannak, General Manager of Noor Capital Markets at the occasion.

"This is an important event both for our company and the Middle Eastern markets", adds Mehmet Yildiz, Head of MetaTürk Finansal Yazılım A.Ş. "We are glad that our developments spark interest among the key players in the region, and we are interested in further strengthening our positions here. We are grateful to Noor CM for cooperation".

28 septembre 2015

Watch our new set of videos "Where to Find a Trading Robot or an Indicator?"

We have released new tutorials on the official MetaQuotes YouTube-channel. Seven new videos are now available, demonstrating where to find and how to obtain a robot for automated trading on the financial markets. 17 minutes worth of material provide concise and useful information about finding trading applications you need for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading platforms:

We have a total of 36 video tutorials on our channel in both English and Russian languages:

Subscribe now to MetaQuotes Official channel and be the first to know about the new materials released!

21 septembre 2015

Japanese Version of Launched

Japan is among the top seven countries by the number of site visitors. We want to make this large audience feel comfortable on our resource. To break the language barrier for our Japanese speaking users we are launching a special localized site version at contents were available in five languages until now, and Japanese is the sixth language presented on the website. We want to be understood by all 800,000 registered users, therefore we keep expanding the content localization. Speaking the same language with a trader - that's what we strive for.

Japanese Version of

Tens of thousands of Japanese users regularly visit the resource in search for information about algorithmic trading in the financial markets. We expect an increase in the number of Japanese speaking visitors after the launch of the localized version of the website, which hosts unique information that cannot be found anywhere else on the web, as well as powerful services for the MetaTrader platforms.

The website interface is already available in Japanese. A professional team of translators is further preparing materials from the Articles section and codes from the Code Base.

16 septembre 2015

MetaTrader 5 iOS Build 1167: More Convenient Use of Analytical Objects

Working with analytical objects has become even more convenient in the new version of MetaTrader 5 iOS iOS for iPhone and iPad. Now objects only appear on the chart of the current symbol and selected timeframes.

MetaTrader 5 iOS Build 1167

Additionally, the new version of the mobile app has better compatibility with iOS 9.

28 août 2015

MetaTrader 5 iOS Build 1165: Improved News Section and One-Tap Trading

The updated MetaTrader 5 for iOS is now available on the App Store. Working with financial news has become even easier: select news categories to follow and add news items that you like to Favorites.

Another important new option added is trading from a chart with a single touch (similar to one-click trading). Turn your device into a horizontal position and open a quick trade panel.

MetaTrader 5 iOS Build 1165

Furthermore, we have added an option for closing positions of Collateral instruments, which allows converting the corresponding assets into the deposit currency.

Update your app to receive the new features in your MetaTrader 5 iOS.

26 août 2015

New MetaTrader 5 Android: 24 Analytical Objects and OTP Two-Factor Authentication

The latest MetaTrader 5 Android (build 1164) features analytical objects that can be applied both to chart and indicator windows.

24 analytical objects have been added to the already existing 30 indicators turning your smartphone and tablet into a powerful tool for in-depth technical analysis of the markets. Lines, channels, Elliott waves, Gann and Fibonacci tools, as well as geometric shapes are at your disposal.

New MetaTrader 5 Android: 24 Analytical Objects and OTP Two-Factor Authentication

Another MetaTrader 5 Android added innovation is the OTP (One-Time Password) system. The two-factor authentication provides an extra level of security for your accounts. Now, you may enter a verification code in addition to login and password when logging in to a desktop or tablet terminal. The code is generated on your smartphone by MetaTrader 5 Android application.

The generated code is tied to a particular device and changes every 30 seconds, so that no one can access your trading account.

Update your MetaTrader 5 Android device to receive 24 tools to help you with your graphical analysis of financial markets!

4 août 2015

Brazilian Broker Rico Corretora Launches MetaTrader 5 on the BM&FBovespa Exchange

The MetaTrader 5 trading platform has further expanded its presence in Brazil. The country's second-largest broker Rico Corretora has launched MetaTrader 5 for Stocks, Futures and Options trading with BM&FBovespa. Now the main Brazilian brokers are offering the world's most powerful trading platform.

Rico Corretora Launches MetaTrader 5

"We are happy to offer this powerful cutting-edge platform to our clients who trade on BMF&Bovespa," says Everson Ramos, IT Director of Rico Corretora. "Traders get access to the rich functionality of MetaTrader 5, including everything from trading and analytical functions which have become a de facto industry standard, to the Market of ready-to-use trading robots, copy trading and built-in virtual hosting. Certainly our cooperation with MetaQuotes opens new horizons to our clients and further increases our competitive advantage."

MetaQuotes Software has repeatedly expressed interest in the South American market. To strengthen its position in the region, the company opened MetaQuotes Brazil office in São Paulo in 2012, proceeded to certify its platform at the Brazilian BM&FBovespa Exchange and developed a dedicated MetaTrader 5 BM&FBOVESPA Gateway to implement connectivity to the exchange.

"Latin America is an attractive market with great need for more advanced technology as such as MetaTrader 5 platform," says Gaies Chreis, COO of MetaQuotes Software Corp."We've done a great deal of work to expand MetaTrader 5 in the Brazilian market. The number of traders using our platform is actively growing. Furthermore, to promote our products and services we hold various trading contests. We are proud of the fact that now Rico Corretora, along with other leading Brazilian brokers, offer MetaTrader 5 to their clients, thus covering the overwhelming share of the market!"

23 juillet 2015

Alliance News Professional News Feeder Available on all MetaTrader Trading Platforms

Financial news and analytics from the British Alliance News agency have been integrated into MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. The service provides traders with extensive selection of news for making informed decisions when trading stocks, currencies, options and futures. Alliance News covers over 2 400 companies, including FTSE giants, as well as smaller AIM participants and investment funds.

Blue-chip companies, British and international economic indicators, market reviews and broker ratings – more than 500 daily news items provide a complete picture of the day. News articles are written in an easy-to-understand way, while maintaining the high level of information content.

Alliance News Professional News Feeder Available on all MetaTrader Trading Platforms

"We are happy that millions of MetaTrader users will be able to follow Alliance News right in their favorite trading application" – says Tom Waite, Alliance News Chief Executive. "Brokers are now able to provide their clients with a powerful decision-making tool instead of mere financial data".
